I wanted to speak on collective cleansing, specifically looking at cleansing collective energy for instant sales.
This is something that I actually hold really deep to my work, to my integrity as a business mentor, but absolutely in the realm of work that I do in the psychic realm, in the healing world and in energetics with my clients. I stand for this collective cleansing so deeply because I believe that we each have something so unique and rich and rare to us that we are meant to bring to this world. And we hear our message, our gifts, our next steps, our internal GPS system when we are in a pure state of soul.
I have seen this over so many years running my business and being in these collective bubbles online, specifically looking at the coaching space or the online practitioner space in the healing industry. When I look at the times in my business where things felt easeful, where I’m in a state of flow, where I feel divinely powerful, versus times where there’s frustration, maybe lack of sales, maybe some wobbly energy, it is always so interesting to see.
The times where it feels frustrating are typically when I am tapped into collective energy and I see the exact same thing with my clients. I know for me to be of the highest service in my work and ultimately, to the world, I have to honour my energy as number one, as the highest priority in my life. When I honour my energy, when I clear my energetic field, when I am tapped into what I call my channel, my soul’s channel, I am always in a state of flow. Sales are effortless, clients come in, there’s a natural magnetism. The thing is, we are in a world where, of course, we’re consuming so much. We work with coaches, mentors, practitioners, we have team members. Life is full and that’s a beautiful thing and I stand for that level of support. I also know how powerful it is to work with mentors, healers, or practitioners that are honouring their energy, that are actually coming through with very pure energy. When we are not tapped into collective energy, we are tapping into each of our soul’s truth.
Maybe you’re coming into this season where your energy has maybe felt heavy, or you feel overwhelmed in your business or confused and you’re not quite sure what’s happening. The reason for this is likely due to the infiltration of other people’s thought forms, emotions, beliefs and patterns, and so when we’re in the collective bubbles and collective energy, we naturally are just absorbing that in and making that our own.
The practice is to really be discerning with our energy and to be very intentional with knowing every thought that we are thinking, every belief we are having, every action we are wanting to choose.
Asking ourselves — Is this actually mine or is this not mine?
And the more that we do this and we have this question, my clients start to realize how much is going on in their mind, in their business, in their content that actually isn’t theirs! Maybe they’ve picked it up along the way from different coaches and people that they’ve worked with, or just being in the social media vortex. But then it’s infiltrating into their offerings, into their content, into their energy field, and not just their personal energy field but their business entity. And so, psychically, I always see this, and this is one of the first things that I do with my clients when we’re working in those close proximity spaces is to dial in on directly where this infiltration is coming from and bring them back into their soul’s natural higher vision, their soul’s natural essence and energy.
Because when you’re in that space and you’ve dialed down collective energy and you dialed up soul frequency, everything suddenly becomes instantly clear.
And in that space where heart leads and soul leads, you are naturally magnetic.
Naturally ideas drop in but they’ve been in the quantum the whole time. Ideas for your content, ideas for your offering, ideas for that conversation that you want to have with that client.
The powerful thing about this is knowing that instant manifestation exists to us and we get to choose that. And the more that we un-choose the collective energy and come back into choosing ourselves and our soul, really not from an egoic space but from a true soul space, the more you see how abundant and how free and how provided for you already are.
This is the space where clients drop in, because you are in your flow and you are not relying on anyone but yourself. It’s a divine power meets divine power space, because we enter in and we do the work together to clear infiltration, to clear interference, to clear energy leaks, and then it’s a “let’s soar together” energy, let’s smash these glass ceilings that never existed and take your business and your wealth and your sales and your clients and your legacy to a whole other dimension.
So, ask yourself — where am I tapped in collectively?
Where am I basing my strategy or my content on what someone else has done?
Look at these daily practical examples of what’s playing out for you. And then what I want you to do is to start to say, is this mine or is this not?
And that question is something that I still use daily and I know that if it’s not mine, then it’s collective, and I know that when I’m in that space, it’s an opportunity for me to call in my soul and not just my higher self, beyond higher self, into God’s state.
That’s where we receive effortlessly, instantaneously.
Your soul is always on a timeline of more.
Your soul is always in receivership, your soul is always attracting, we are always attracting, and instantaneous things happen.
Instantaneous opportunities drop in. Clients, opportunities, money comes in out of nowhere, in the most unexpected ways.
And this is the flow, this is the natural state of receivership, this is the collective cleansing that brings you back into an open channel, a pure, pristine channel.
What is mine and what is not?
Is this my thought form?
Is this a shared thought form?
Is this my belief? Is this someone else’s?
Is the emotion I’m feeling right now around this, even mine?
We’ve focused on building brands, we’ve focused on developing our businesses. But now you’re ready to not just be in development stage or learning stage. You’re ready to dominate, you’re ready to lead, you’re ready to magnetize, and so much of that is not about changing the strategy, but it’s the energy behind everything that you do.
And this is the space where instant sales drop in, because your content is flowing like never before. Your message is sharp and pristine and precise, but you’re standing in it as a clear channel, embodied in your truth, not worried about anyone else.
Regardless of where you are right now in your life and business, it doesn’t matter where you’re at in your journey. This will serve you. This is where we make these 1% energetic tweaks that 10x your sales, because we’re clearing all infiltration from your field. And when you do that, instant clarity and instant receivership is there.
I hope that this has landed for you. Go and let this be your practice just for today, and see how it feels for you to start to say — is this mine or is this not?
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I Work With The World’s Most Potent Soul Queens - Women Who Are Creating Life-Altering Businesses That Enrich The World.
WOMAN OF WEALTH™ THE PODCAST is Jenna’s signature show, inviting you into deeper realms of personal power, business wealth and success. Dive into the energetic codes, mindset shifts and soul-says-yes strategy, to scale your 6 - 7 figure business rooted in pleasure, certainty and desire.