High ticket clients on repeat - the standard. 
Wealth beyond money - the vibe.
Simplicity, luxury and ease - the bare minimum.

You’re a Queen after all. 

And you’re here now, because you’re ready to take your divine throne and activate millions - energetically and in the bank. 


Welcome to your Queendom.

Queendom Mastermind is the divine portal that will hold you as you break through glass ceilings and set the new standard - in money, business and life.

….becoming her. 


The woman who attracts premium clients who want to buy the moment she launches 


- because literally anything you sell is magnetic 

The woman where everyone wonders ‘who is SHE and how does she do it?


- instantly eyes are on you as you enter any room

The woman who sees money as a play thing


- and continually compounding into higher dimensions of wealth is the standard  

The woman who commands her every space


- and divine clients and opportunities drop in effortlessly to match her

The woman who directs her every desire

- moving with sophisticated knowing from her god-state, where clarity and certainty is instant

Queendom is the space where you strategically and energetically structure your soul field and your business for the MILLIONS to come.

You’ll set the higher standard for your business, leadership + life - and match that into the offer suite, identity and soul clients you want - now. 

The 20k, 50k, 100k, months you desire start to drop in from a space of Queen flow, where you don’t really know how it all happened...


- and from one energetic shift, you see results in 48 hours

This is the state where in a 1 minute voice note, you go from stuck and confused


- to flow, ease and opulent receiving, like that

This is the state where a 1% tweak to your message and identity,


- sees your magnetism activated and a client pays in full within hours just does

This is the state where you know exactly where you’re closed off from more premium clients or money...


This is the state where anything you post has your clients taking one look at your feed and saying...


...."who is this woman!? I need to hire her...stat"

In Queendom, you know exactly where you’re going and who you came here to be and we take the fast-track there - out of the collective energy keeping you stuck, and into your divine god-state. 

Where hyperspeed, pleasure and flow is...normal. 

As an elite soul activator and business mentor, I’ll see the exact blind spots and 1% tweaks that will open your energy field and sales to 10x your results and more.  

In Queendom you will:

Blow up your premium client sales with effortless flow

You get an idea, post it, and sell a spot in minutes.
You know exactly who you serve, and she is magnetized to your energy.
You don’t waver on what to say or how, it all flows out..and flows back into sales.

Structure your business model for the millions to come 

Your offer suite, pricing and content matches where you’re going. 
Your client spaces are fun, freeing, powerful, expansive.
Your income from a whole year before, now becomes the monthly norm

Break through glass ceilings into your limitless power 

Your highest divine timeline is activated - and clients feel the instant shift. 
You break out of old healing loops - and desires you’ve held onto for years, suddenly drop in. 
Everything you speak, do or drop as a single piece of content, instantly manifests. 

Move as a magnetic woman - who commands her reality 

You no longer outsource your power - you are the power
You enter any space and heads turn. 
You’re no longer a best kept secret to potential clients, you ARE it. 

2024 Inclusions 💋

6 or 12 Months Access to Queendom Mastermind

Weekly Zoom mastermind coaching calls - with direct hot seat coaching

 Direct and bespoke mentoring with Jenna for 6 or 12 months

Daily Telegram group chat for on-the-go breakthroughs

Private call immersion with Jenna to create your actionable roadmap and identity for scaling to multi 6 - 7 figures (valued $5,000)

 Virtual business retreats throughout the year 

 All access to all programs through the year + Jenna's program suite
(valued $5,000)

 Exclusive additional drops and first access to teachings on client attraction, wealth energetics, leadership, luxe frequency and identity 

Systems and operations labs with COO Olivia Seline

  • To attract premium clients effortlessly as you 
  • To have a rolling signature offer suite that sells itself
  • To embody Queen energy - and enter any room with your magnetism on
  • To boldly move as the C.E.O, leading your million dollar movement
  • To effortlessly calibrate to higher timelines and big money energy
  • To elevate your visibility, leadership and magnetic potency
  • To activate a powerful sales strategy and luxe energy that is felt in your brand
  • To show up knowing your exact steps daily to attract clients 
  • To have a clear strategic plan to scale into multi 6 - 7 figures
  • To come into your full power in your soul gifts and major soul purpose
  • Expand your capacity in money, power and holding more
  • Stack your income and increase your monthly recurring revenue
  • Make the 1% divine tweaks to your strategy and energy that opens up wealth
  • Clear energetic wealth leaks and sharpen your boundaries
  • Attract a new caliber of soul clientele with upgraded offers and pricing
  • Make moves that feel expansive, liberated and rich 
  • To calibrate into and beyond $20k, $50k , $100k months
  • To relax into more love, wealth, beauty and freedom in all areas 
  • To take your throne in ALL areas of life

In Queendom we play in the space of more

Blind spots are shifted instantly.

Your power naturally emits magnetism.

1% tweaks create 10x the results.

Big money matches to you.

Divine energy is the vibe.

Your, Queendom here, now.

It all feels so much lighter, easier, and dare I say…effortless 

I know you desire...

The universe is your playground and in Queendom, YOU decide exactly what you desire - and become the woman who gets exactly that…and more. 

Queendom Mastermind is ongoing and you’ll receive access as soon as you sign up. 
I keep the space intimate and limited in numbers for a rich and supportive experience. 

There are 6 or 12 month options to join.

6 months - The mastermind is currently US $10k pay in full or $1,667/month 


12 months access is US $18,000 in full or $1,500/month

Apply below or have a quick chat with me via Instagram messenger