Are you worrying about money more than you’re making it? I know that feeling of stressing about where your next client is coming from or how you’ll get the money together to pay for your bills, but I want you to know that feeling worried and in a state of scarcity is a powerful starting point for money transformation.
When I speak about changing our money mindset and making the money we dream of in our business, I’m often met with women freaking out a little at the enormity of the journey ahead…they want to run and hide! That’s normal. The fear is a good thing..which is why I believe in starting small and switching your money mindset one thought and feeling at a time.
I’m sharing 5 really common thoughts that you may experience that are contributing to your state of lacking and the 5 tiny but magical money mindset shifts to help you break free from scarcity and step into your new life as an abundant boss.
You may be thinking that…
There is never enough money or clients and competition is always fierce
Scarcity feasts upon a lacking mentality. When we think that there isn’t enough and we get caught in the comparison trap in business, we’re investing energy and time into a state of lacking. If you’re constantly worried there isn’t enough money or clients for you, the universe will literally send more ‘lacking’ your way (no thanks!)
This is the Law of Attraction in action and the essence of this universal law is ‘what you think and feel, you attract into your life’. The universe responds to your energy above all else, so if you’re feeling low, negative and worried that there isn’t enough money, firstly be aware of when those thoughts arise, and when they do, consciously move into a state of abundance.
Think to yourself “I know there is more than enough. Thank you universe for sending an abundance of money my way.” It’s so important to feel that beautiful supportive energy flow through your body, sink into it and tap into it whenever you feel negative thoughts or worries coming on.
Switch your mindset and use this money mantra….
“I am lovingly attracting an abundance of money and clients into my business. There is no such thing as competition, because there’s a limitless supply of money and resources for everyone.”
You may be thinking that…
Money isn’t spiritual. You can never be rich because your work is heart-centered
I struggled with this one big time. Doing work that is creative, soulful and purposeful can often cause us to ‘remain humble’ and ‘not be greedy for money’.
I call bullshit.
You can be humble and rich. In fact, being rich has nothing to do with your personality! If you’re a decent human, you’ll be a decent human whether you’re rich or poor.
If you’re building a business that you’re pouring your heart and soul into, money is going to be your homie. It’ll help you share your message, reach more people and care for you along the journey. Embrace money as a beautiful energy and resource to support your spiritual path.
Switch your mindset and use this money mantra….
“The impact I want to make in my dream business is supported by the abundance of money that flows to me. I know that money is an unlimited resource that supports my spiritual growth so I can share my message with ease and flow.”
You may be thinking that…
Making money requires hard work and trading hours for dollars
Do you feel like you have a cap on how much money you make because you’re stuck in a ‘trading hours for money’ cycle? Been there! We’re often programmed to believe that money will only come into our life if we work a certain amount of time, and even then, we’re restricted to a limit for that hour.
Instead of thinking ‘an hour worked is an hour paid’, try looking at the immense value of the work you deliver. It’s not about the hours (although sometimes it actually may be!), but often it’s about the holistic value provided.
For example if you’re a coach, you may set a starting price for an hour coaching session and only charge that. But after coaching for 3 years, I know that it’s not just the hour you are providing. There’s also the time to prep your session, post session notes and email support, plus the immense value of the breakthrough or experience your client received.
Switch your mindset and use this money mantra….
“Money flows to me in all different ways as I do the work I love. Money is easy to make, it’s simply energy. As I heighten my energy to a state of abundance, I support the universe sending money my way.”
You may be thinking that…
You have to prove to yourself and others that you are worth making more and having more
Self worth and net worth often get mixed up and so often I see women struggling to charge prices that justify the work they do. Let me ask you this:
Why not you? What could possibly make you so terrible that you don’t deserve an abundance of money into your life?
We are often programmed from an early age to ‘not be greedy’ and ‘don’t be a selfish little girl’ and these stories we tell ourselves flow into our current experience.
But they don’t have to be your reality anymore.
You are beyond worthy and deserving.
And guess what? Your soul doesn’t worry about proving your self worth, it just knows that it can call on a limitless supply of money because money is simply an energy, and there’s an abundance for everyone.
Switch your mindset and use this money mantra….
“I am worthy and deserving of all that comes my way. I am in charge of creating my own future and I choose to create abundance.”
You may be thinking that…
If you focus on the lack of money in your life it’ll kick your butt into gear to make more
To an extent, this is true. Sometimes when we’re at our lowest, we have no other choice than to rise into action. But I want you to consider a new approach to doing so. Focus on what you DO have instead. Yes, make sure you take inspired action, but before you do that, stop and soak in the gratitude for what you do have.
How will gratitude make you more money? It’s all about energy lovely!
When we manifest things into our life (good or bad) we have brought them in through a combination of thinking and feeling, but the feeling is incredibly potent. When you feel grateful and in a state of abundance and flow, you are vibrating at a higher frequency that allows the universe to send more things your way that match that frequency.
Money is simply energy. So tap into your inner abundance, feel it flow through you and get into that space of gratitude as much as possible!
Switch your mindset and use this money mantra….
“I choose to focus on what I am grateful for and all that I have, because I know I am infinitely abundant.”
What scarcity thoughts did you resonate with? I’d love to know what hit home for you and what new perspective you got. Remember it’s the tiny magical steps forward that create a beautifully abundant life.
x Jenna
The ONE YEAR LIVE teaching + activation portal with Jenna. ICONS is the house of money, leadership and legacy for soul-sourced women.
QUEENDOM Mastermind is for the woman ready to stand FULLY in her power and claim it ALL. You’re ready for major moves and next level leadership as you scale into 6 - 7 figures.
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I Work With The World’s Most Potent Soul Queens - Women Who Are Creating Life-Altering Businesses That Enrich The World.
WOMAN OF WEALTH™ THE PODCAST is Jenna’s signature show, inviting you into deeper realms of personal power, business wealth and success. Dive into the energetic codes, mindset shifts and soul-says-yes strategy, to scale your 6 - 7 figure business rooted in pleasure, certainty and desire.