If you’re feeling like things are a bit tight in your business lately and you can’t quite understand why, it may come down to money blocks getting in your way. We all have unique money stories and belief patterns that we’ve picked up in life, some going back to when we were kids.
But when it comes to business, there’s 3 really common money blocks that I see time and again. I want to share these common money blocks with you because if you choose to change them, they have the power to make your business completely transform!
So sweet pea, are you blocking yourself from abundance, growth and cash flow? Let’s find out.
Money block # 1 The scarcity mindset
“There aren’t enough customers for me. There isn’t enough money to grow my business. My industry is too busy for me to stand out.”
Clients. Community. Cash. Whatever it may be, the idea that there ‘isn’t enough’ for you is a scarcity mindset that can block abundance flowing your way. When you’re in this ‘lacking mentality’ you are literally blocking a flow of money or clients into your business.
Your beliefs create your reality, so if you’re always thinking ‘there isn’t enough’, then there won’t be. If you allow yourself to see how much opportunity there is for you, you’ll attract that opportunity into your business and life.
Break the block:
At the time of writing this, there are 7.5 billion people in the world. Just let that soak in! There are more than enough customers, resources and money to create your dream business and life. Money is simply energy, so if you open yourself up to believing there is more than enough at all times, you’ll lean into that positive energy and allow abundance to flow to you with ease.
Money block # 2 The settling for enough mindset
“I’ll be ok if I just make ‘x’ a month”
The settling for enough mindset keeps you from playing bigger. If you’re out to make $5,000 a month but you’ll settle for $1,000 then you’re likely to always stay around the smaller goal. I’m not saying to set crazy huge goals that feel unattainable, but what I am suggesting is to stretch yourself lovingly to achieve a new goal.
Sometimes “enough” isn’t enough. Set the bar for “enough” and, if you fall just a little short, you no longer have enough – Tara Gentile
Maybe you’ve been consistent with your income or barely reaching your goals. If so, it’s time to think bigger and step into the new mindset of up-levelling your income. This isn’t always an easy process as you start to up-level, because your mindset is used to staying at a certain monetary level. Trust that you are ready for the next step and setting a bigger goal is the first thing you must do to start the growth process.
Break the block:
Quite simply, start aiming bigger! I always like to set ‘stretch goals’ that feel a little bit daunting but that gently and lovingly nudge me to think and grow bigger. If you have a monetary goal this month in your business, how can you stretch yourself to think bigger? Once you set your goals, start visualising yourself in this new income bracket. Use affirmations to help support you.
Money block # 3 The comparisonitis mindset
“She’s more successful and has a really similar brand to me. I’m never going to make it”
Comparisonitis is a sure dream killer for many amazing girl bosses. When I started out in my business, I was constantly comparing myself to the competition and in turn my business was misaligned, I struggled to make money and I felt ‘not me’ in how I was showing up.
Comparing yourself undermines your own epic gifts, value, self worth and power. It also messes with your money! If you’re constantly comparing yourself and not trusting in your own strategy and ability, you’ll attract a lacking mentality and a lack of abundance.
Break the block:
Breaking free from comparisonitis starts with a physical declutter and getting into ‘distraction free mode’. I’m talking social media, newsletters and anywhere else you hang out online or offline. You have to literally block the noise!! Turn off distractions, shut down those enviable Instagram feeds and get quiet.
There is beauty in being silent and allowing yourself to tap into your true power. Going inward releases you from comparison.
I use my mornings to get into distraction free mode. I spend the first 2 hours of my day writing and creating content for my business. The content I produce here is unique to me, it has my tone and personality flowing through it, and I’m not influenced or distracted by other businesses.
You can crush your comparisonitis by focusing back inwards and trusting that you ARE enough right now. You are ready for the next step. Your community want to see, hear and work with the real you. So trust yourself gorgeous, because it’s your time to shine.
Do you relate to these common money blocks? Let me know in the comments!
Stay golden,
Jenna x
The ONE YEAR LIVE teaching + activation portal with Jenna. ICONS is the house of money, leadership and legacy for soul-sourced women.
QUEENDOM Mastermind is for the woman ready to stand FULLY in her power and claim it ALL. You’re ready for major moves and next level leadership as you scale into 6 - 7 figures.
Listen to Jenna’s powerful free wealth coding audio - designed to activate and unlock abundance in your energetic field each day.
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I Work With The World’s Most Potent Soul Queens - Women Who Are Creating Life-Altering Businesses That Enrich The World.
WOMAN OF WEALTH™ THE PODCAST is Jenna’s signature show, inviting you into deeper realms of personal power, business wealth and success. Dive into the energetic codes, mindset shifts and soul-says-yes strategy, to scale your 6 - 7 figure business rooted in pleasure, certainty and desire.